OSD course program

Osteopathy and its importance for facial and oral cavity development and in functional orthodontics in children

Course facts

Requirements for participation

Completed osteopathy training

Course fee


30 in stock

30 in stock

Course details

Course content

Course content:

The mouth is much more than the organ used to grind food. The development of the face and roof of the mouth depends on factors such as dynamic growth processes, correct tongue position, nasal breathing, etc.

play important roles in the onset and further development of dysgnathia:

  • genetic disposition
  • orofacial dyskinesia
  • Dysfunctions of the skull base
  • psychovegetative blockages
  • posturological decompensation
  • myofunctional orofacial imbalance

This is a valuable field of work for osteopathy with very good indications for treatment. The prognosis for autonormalization of dysfunction such as dysgnathia is good if the cause is well treated and the developmental process of the orofacial skeletal structures still allows it.

What can osteopathy mean for the treatment of occlusal defects in children changing teeth? What role do, for example, mouth breathing and swallowing motor disorders play in the development of an occlusal deviation or recurrent inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx (hypertrophy of adenoid vegetations)? Malocclusion based on orofacial “maldevelopment” can lead to postural errors in the spine, which can result in structural changes in the spine and tension headaches, among other things.

Osteopathy as “pre-orthodontic therapy”: What does that mean?

The course makes it possible to diagnose the occlusal defect classes, assess the causes and plan a treatment strategy. Correcting the triggers of the orthodontic problem is a prerequisite for maintaining the orthodontic correction. Cranial nerves that can be of great importance here include the trigeminal nerve, facial nerve, hypoglossal nerve, oculomotor nerve and accesor nerve. To normalize the neurodynamics, the nerve tissue is tested and treated. Neuromotor stimulation and reorganization therapy stimulates the development of complex movement patterns. The aim is to activate and organize lost, unused or disorganized functions. This means that imbalances and dyscoordination in the orofacial area such as mouth breathing, infantile swallowing and other dyskinesias can be treated more specifically.

An exercise package is included for this course. Data carrier necessary. It can be purchased from the lecturers on site and used in your own practice after the course. This package contains a data carrier with all the exercises, which can then be printed out as instructions for the patients. The exercise package costs 90,- € (only cash payment possible!).


Philip van Caille DO (CHE)
Philip van Caille has been teaching osteopathy since 1990. He specializes in life-compliant osteopathy and functional medicine, osteopathic functional orthodontics for children and craniomandibular dysfunctions.

Course details

Course number

Nummer 26MC03PC Kategorie




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