OSD course program

Clinical neuromobilization

Course facts

Requirements for participation

trained in osteopathy or in osteopathic training (last year), physiotherapist

Course fee


15 in stock

15 in stock

Course details

Course content

Neuromobilization – An evidence-based approach to the treatment of neuropathic pain

Neuropathic pain is caused by injuries or functional disorders in the somatosensory nervous system and is one of the most complex pain syndromes in terms of diagnosis and treatment. It often remains unrecognized due to inadequate diagnostic criteria, which leads to suboptimal therapeutic approaches. Neuromobilization offers an effective, evidence-based intervention for the treatment of compression mononeuropathies. Manual mobilization techniques can improve blood flow, axonal transport and regeneration of nerve tissue, relieve pain and increase functionality.

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to effectively diagnose neuropathic pain syndromes and apply evidence-based neuromobilization techniques to improve the quality of life of their patients.

This course is based on the latest scientific findings and continuously integrates advances in the field of manual therapy for peripheral nerve injuries.


Course content:

  1. Basics and understanding of neuropathic pain:
    • Overview of the micro- and macroanatomy of the nervous system.
    • Introduction to the neurobiology of inflammation and cell damage.
    • Etiology and prevalence of non-specific back pain.
  2. Diagnostics and clinical assessment:
    • Neuromechanical examination techniques, including slump test for radicular pain.
    • Neurological examination and clinical reasoning in mononeuropathies and radiculopathies.
  3. Neuromobilization techniques and their application:
    • Upper extremities:
      • Treatment and evaluation of median, ulnar and radial nerve entrapments (e.g. carpal tunnel syndrome, Guyon’s canal syndrome, brachial plexus radiculopathies).
    • Lower extremities:
      • Techniques for peroneal, tibial and sciatic nerve entrapment and obturator neuropathies.
    • Neurocranium:
      • Treatment of craniocervical pain and cervicogenic headaches.
      • Mobilization of cranial nerves, including the trigeminal and facial nerves, as well as vagal mobilization for chronic pain.
  4. Integration of the autonomic nervous system (ANS):
    • Connection between ANS, inflammation and complex pain syndromes.
    • Everyday strategies for the regulation of sleep, ANS and chronic inflammatory reactions.


Bruno Moreira Campos DO, M.Sc.
Bruno Moreira Campos has been a dedicated osteopath for over 15 years, maintaining a clinical practice in Portugal while also teaching at universities. As the creator of the Neuromobilization Course (NMC®) in 2012, he has provided invaluable professional development opportunities for osteopaths. Bruno’s academic endeavors led him to enroll in a master’s degree program in neurological rehabilitation. He continues to research the field of entrapment neuropathies and therapeutic intervention, and his work is closely linked to current scientific advances, particularly in the neuroscience of pain. Outside of his professional and academic activities, Bruno indulges his passion for the field by hosting the Osteotalks podcast as a hobby.

Course details

Course number

Nummer 25MC07BC Kategorie




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