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OSD course program

Endocrine and exocrine glands

Course facts

Requirements for participation

In osteopathic training (last year)

Course fee


15 in stock

15 in stock

Course details

Course content

Interview with Jochen Frühwein about his course Endocrine and exocrine glands Hashimoto’s, mastopathy and adrenal insufficiency are increasingly common hormonal and immunological disorders in osteopathic practice. Starting with a detailed study of the basics of the various organs, the course will examine these disorders osteopathically and draw the resulting osteopathic implications. The contents in detail: Thyroid gland – the “forgotten” organ in osteopathy

  • Anatomy, topography, fascial relations
  • Physiology, pathophysiology, pathology and differential diagnostics
  • Osteopathic mobility and motility, osteopathic dysfunctions
  • Osteopathic treatment of typical clinical pictures (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, nodules, cysts)
  • Osteopathic evaluation and treatment of Hashimoto’s (autoimmune thyroiditis)


The mammary gland/ mamma – the “repressed” organ in osteopathy

  • Anatomy, topography, fascial relations of the mammary gland
  • Physiology, pathophysiology and pathology
  • Osteopathic mobility and motility, osteopathic dysfunctions
  • Osteopathic treatment of typical symptoms (mastopathy, mastitis, milk stasis, cysts)
  • Osteopathic considerations of breast cancer, osteopathic treatment after breast cancer


Thymus – fatty degeneration or important immunological and neurological control structure?

  • Anatomy, topography, relations of the thymus
  • Physiology and significance, pathophysiology and pathology
  • Mobility and motility of the thymus, osteopathic dysfunctions
  • Osteopathic treatment of typical symptoms and diseases (immune deficiency, autoimmunological diseases)


The adrenal gland – small organ, important interface between the vegetative and endocrine systems during stress

  • Anatomy, topography, fascial relations
  • Physiology, pathophysiology
  • Osteopathic mobility and motility, osteopathic dysfunctions
  • Osteopathic treatment of typical symptoms (especially adrenal exhaustion)
  • Adrenal exhaustion, the stress syndrome of the 21st century


Jochen Frühwein BSc East, DO OSD (DEU)
Jochen Frühwein has been an osteopath since 2004. He has been a lecturer in visceral osteopathy at the Osteopathie Schule Deutschland since 2010. Since 2012, he has a Bachelor of Science degree in somatic dysfunction terminology, definitions and classifications of somatic dysfunction. He is co-author of various osteopathic publications (Foundations of Morphodynamics in Osteopathy, Guide to Visceral Osteopathy). In recent years, he has devoted himself intensively to researching osteopathic connections in the gynecological and endocrinological system.

Course details

Course number

Nummer 24MC11JF Kategorie




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