OSD course program

Immunovegetative regulation in the osteopathic approach

Course facts

Requirements for participation

Completed osteopathic training, in osteopathic training (3rd year)

Course fee


21 in stock

21 in stock

Course details

Course content

In many diseases, the organism first reacts with vegetative signs, e.g. altered sweat secretion, followed by functional symptoms, e.g. muscle stiffness.

This course offers opportunities to balance the autonomic nervous system and the immune system and consists of 3 parts:

  1. Parasympathetic nervous system
  2. Sympathetic nervous system
  3. The immune system

The treatment spectrum covers various dysfunctions such as headaches, sinusitis, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome and food intolerances.
Several procedures are presented, including

  • The polyvagal theory
  • The segment anatomy
  • The energetic motility

Various techniques are practiced: reflex zones, thrust, recoil, energetic motility, fascial manipulations.

Each part consists of theory, diagnosis and treatment:

Day 1: Vegetative regulation: Parasympathetic nervous system

Parasympathetic nervous system. N vagus and N.pelvici: Function and dysfunction
Keypoints for the N. vagus and Nn. pelvici

Research results:

  • Bioelectrical medicine
  • Polyvagal theory: New description of the autonomic nervous system
  • The inflammatory reflex via the nervous system

Treatment. Among others.

  • Nuclei of the parasympathetic nervous system in the brain
  • Tender point (strain counterstrain) on the skull
  • Sclerotic zones on the Os Occiput
  • Cervical fascia and sternoclavicular joint
  • Mm. constrictor pharyngii
  • Thorax and esophagus
  • Spleen
  • Pelvis: Sacrum and ilium

Day 2: Vegetative regulation: Sympathetic nervous system

Use of sclerotomes, myotomes, dermatomes and enterotomes
Treatment, etc:

  • Hiatus line: dermatome line
  • Borderline and sympathetic afferents and efferents
  • stellate ganglion, C7 and Th1
  • Prevertebral ganglia: solar plexus and hypogastric plexus
  • Ganglion impar at the Os coccygis
  • Axis of emotional regulation: e.g. hypothalamus, cardiac plexus,
  • Adrenal glands

Day 3:

Part 1: Stimulation of the immune system

et al:

  • First and second intercostal spaces
  • Lymphbelt: for the lymphatic and immune systems in the upper thorax
  • Sternum
  • Small intestine
  • GALT: Gut associated lymphatic tissue
  • MALT: Mucosa associated lymphatic tissue

Part 2: specific: respiratory dysfunctions and asthma

Definition and facts about asthma:
Presentation of a dysfunction scheme:
It exists in 90% of asthmatics and in many immune disorders
Stopping point of an asthma attack
Systematic treatment of this dysfunction scheme:
among others:

  • Pulmonary plexus
  • Th9
  • Basin


Michel Puylaert M.Sc. East, DO (DEU)
Osteopath since 1996, lecturer at the Osteopathie Schule Deutschland (OSD), co-editor and author: “Leitfaden Viszerale Osteopathie” (Elsevier, 2005), co-author: “Leitfaden Osteopathie” (Elsevier, 2009)

Course details

Course number

Nummer 25MC10MP Kategorie




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