OSD course program

Mechanical Link – Introduction to the practice of LMO in relation to the spine and thorax

Course facts

Requirements for participation

In osteopathic training (last year)

Course fee


13 in stock

13 in stock

Course details

Course content

This seminar introduces the Lien Mécanique Ostéopathique method and its application to the OVP axis (Occiput-Vertebrae-Pelvis) and the thorax.

The concept of the Lien Mécanique Ostéopathique is based on several important points:

  • Locating the anatomical structures via skin retractions.
  • The provocation tests, which provide a reliable and repeatable way of diagnosing where there is a loss of elasticity in the tissue (*).
  • Inhibition tests to identify secondary and dominant lesions.
  • The Recoil, a gentle, fast and efficient technique that can be used to correct imbalances without manipulating or mobilizing.

The spine is treated in an original way.

Numerous novelties (filum terminale, segmental lesions of the sacrum, lesions of the intervertebral discs, etc.) are presented during this course.

The posterior and anterior thorax is examined using joint tests (costo-vertebral, chondro-vertebral, sterno-chondral joints and sternoclavicular joint) and intra-osseous tests (sternum and clavicle).

Introduction to arteries, nerves, muscles, ligaments and practical applications.

LMO1 is the basic requirement for attending further seminars.


1st day (8 hours)


Presentation of the LMO concepts.

Physiology and pathology of the osteopathic lesion, the total lesion and the primary lesion. Provocation tests, inhibition tests and recoil.

Demonstration of treatment of the spine and thorax.


Theory, clinic and practice of testing the 1. and 2nd sequence of the OVP axis: occiput, cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, sacrum intra-osseous and os ilium.

Specific and analytical tests of the vertebral segment (vertebral lesion and lesion of the intervertebral discs). Treatment with recoil of the lumbar vertebrae from posterior and anterior (anterolisthesis).

2nd day (8 hours)


Specific and analytical tests of the cervical spine. Treatment with Recoil of the posterior and anterior cervical vertebrae.

Theory, clinic and practice of the tests of the 3rd sequence of the OVP axis: sacrum articular, dura mater, filum terminale, articular and intra-osseous coccyx, ischial tuberosity.


Treatment with recoil of the 3rd sequence of the OVP axis.

Theory, clinic and practice of the posterior thorax and scapula. Provocation tests, inhibition tests and recoil.

3rd day (8 hours)

Morning: Theory, clinic, manual finding and practice on the anterior thorax: sternum, articular and intra-osseous clavicle, arcus costalis. Provocation tests, inhibition tests and recoil.


Demonstration of a complete LMO treatment.

Practical summary and revision of a complete treatment of the spine and thorax.


Eric Prat DO (FRA)
Eric Prat is co-author of the book Mechanical Link and, together with Paul Chauffour DO, developed the treatment concept of the osteopathic Mechanical Link, treatment with recoil techniques, the inhibition test and the provocation test for examining the patient. Prat is also an internationally sought-after lecturer.

Course details

Course number

Nummer 25MC04EP Kategorie




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