OSD course program

Method and imagination – the key to creative osteopathy

Course facts

Requirements for participation

Completed osteopathic training, in osteopathic training (3rd year)

Course fee


30 in stock

30 in stock

Course details

Course content

Method and imagination are the keys to creative and adaptable osteopathy. For this three-day course we use the knee as our starting point and from there we go in search of the Ariadne’s thread that guides us across regions towards the foot and pelvis

A brief but concise theoretical introduction

  • Principle of anatomical palpation (consistency, surface, depth, origin, termination, direction)
  • Principle of rhythmic mobility techniques (short or long lever, fixed point, mobile point, tension, spatial orientation, direction of movement)
  • Body position of the patient and practitioner

A practice-oriented journey through the lower extremity

  • Palpation games: find your way around the body (focus on pelvis and lower extremities: bones, muscles, vessels, nerves, organs) by palpation
  • From position to movement :
    Find mobility tests
  • Compare symmetrical structures
  • Rhythmic short and long lever techniques for joints and soft tissue
  • Learn and develop gentle techniques that are useful for daily practice
  • Try out position and room variations
  • use your own body effectively
  • Starting point knee: who can find the Ariadne’s thread to the pelvis or foot?
  • Approach to the lesion chain


Andréa Gebhardt-Prin DO (FRA)
Ostéopathe DO Membre du Registre des Ostéopathes de France n° 855 (September 2001), freelance practice in Paris Lecturer in osteopathy at CETOHM Paris et ISOP, head of the anatomy department and the clinical department ” total body adjustment ” University lecturer at DU Choreographer & lecturer in contemporary dance ( until 1995)

Course details

Course number

Nummer 26MC01AG Kategorie




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