OSD course program

An osteopathic approach to common headache disorders

Course facts

Requirements for participation

trained in osteopathy

Course fee


28 in stock

28 in stock

Course details

Course content

Participants will be introduced to an osteopathic approach to the diagnosis and treatment of common headaches. Important clinical findings are discussed together with the neurophysiology of common headache disorders. Clinical features to be considered in the diagnosis, findings and treatment are presented. The factors that contribute to frequent headaches are discussed as well as the associated referral patterns. The role of the cervical spine, thoracic spine, shoulder girdle, upper thoracic spine and ribs and the lumbosacral region will be discussed, as well as osteopathic cranial therapy and manipulation of counter tension and muscle energy. Supportive care suggestions and the application of the Five Models of Osteopathy are included as part of the holistic osteopathic approach.



William H. Devine DO (USA)
Prof. Devine is Director of Osteopathic Medicine and Director of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Postgraduate Studies at AZCOM Osteopathic Postdoctoral Training Institute (OPTI). He is also president of the Arizona Academy of Osteopathy (AzAO), a member society of the AAO. He is currently working on a study on osteopathic treatment for Long-Covid.

Course details

Course number

Nummer 25MC09WD Kategorie




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