OSD course program

Uro-Gynecology / Mentoring Day with Nathalie Camirand D.O. for osteopaths

Course facts

Requirements for participation

Women with completed osteopathy training

Course fee


3 in stock

3 in stock

Course details

Course content

We are pleased to inform you that Nathalie Camirand, D.O – during her stay in Germany in addition to her further training in Uro-Gynecology and Obstetrics – will offer another event for interested osteopaths at our school in Hamburg.
During this one-day workshop, Nathalie Camirand will present her special approach to patients and her treatment techniques.
You will have the opportunity to get to know Nathalie’s way of working.
Her aim is to help you to treat your patients even more effectively and to deepen your knowledge.
Nathalie will address specific questions and problems that you have or may have when treating your patients.
She also plans to treat two participants/patients on site, allowing you to observe and evaluate the application of the concepts learned in a full treatment.
The afternoon will be dedicated to reviewing techniques, possibly including arterial techniques, and will be customized to your specific requests and needs.
PLEASE NOTE: The workshop will be offered in English to minimize translation time.
In any case, OSD will provide a person to assist you in case of communication problems.  


Nathalie Camirand D.O. (CAN)
Nathalie Camirand, D.O. is a renowned osteopath from Canada. She specializes in the effectiveness of osteopathic treatments for women with various uro-gynecological conditions and is well known for her publications in this field. With a degree in Osteopathy and a Masters in Biomedical Sciences, her research focuses on the biomechanical and physiological aspects of osteopathic techniques. Together with her husband Dino Muzzi, she runs one of the largest osteopathic clinics in Montréal, the Clinique Camirand Muzzi, which currently employs 40 therapists.

Course details

Course number

Nummer 24MC10NC Kategorie




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